Photo Gallery: Dermatology
Non melanoma skin cancers can be treated by surgical removal, imiquimod topical cream, or radiation therapy. The below high resolution photographs show examples of the treatment of an extensive superfical basal cell cancer,
and a squamous cell cancer of the skin with radiation therapy. The patient in the top photograph was treated with a linear accelerator using electron beam treatment, the patient in the lower photograph was treated with a linear accelerator using x-rays.
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Basal Cell Carcinoma Cheek: Left: before radiation
therapy. Right: Six months after radiation therapy 6000 cGy to
preauricular region and cheek. Note pallor of skin after treatment
consistent with scar tissue formation. Also note extensive
telangiectasia on nose from sun damage.

Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Thumb: This deep seated
lesion involved the extensor tendon and was inoperable. Top:
pretreatment. Bottom; one year after 6000 cGy to thumb. Patient had
full range of motion post treatment.